2024 Fall Term Health & Dental and mylegalplan Update

August 26, 2024

You may only opt-out or add-on (where applicable) during this period if you have had charges for these programs applied to your account starting in the 2024 Fall term.

  • Opt-out or add-on for the SANQC Health & Dental plan
  • Opt-out for mylegalplan

Considering opting out?

If you have been charged for the Students’ Association’s mandatory Health & Dental plan and/or mylegalplan and would like to opt-out, all you need to do is fill out the online form for the plan which you wish to opt-out of.

  • Health & Dental opt-out here.
  • mylegalplan opt-out here.

The deadline to complete your opt-out for either of these programs is 14 days from the official start date of your program.

Please keep the opt-out confirmation email(s) that you receive as proof of your opt-out.

Want to add family members to your Health & Dental plan?

If you have family members that you would like to add to your plan you can do that by completing the add-on form here and paying the required additional fees. Once you’ve submitted the add-on form, a SANQC representative will be in touch with you to provide further details on how to pay the add-on fees. The deadline to complete your add-on is 14 days from the official start date of your program.

One additional member: $601 for both health and dental, $309 for health only and $292 for dental only.

Two or more members: $1,002 for both health and dental, $515 for health only and $487 for dental only.

Did you previously opt-out but now need coverage?

Health & Dental: Students that previously opted out can re-enroll in the Health & Dental plan on the anniversary of their opt-out, within 30 days of loss of coverage or in the event of a lifestyle change (including but not limited to getting married, meeting the twelve-month co-habitation requirements for common law status, birth/adoption of a child). For more information on re-enrolling, click here.

mylegalplan: This program is a yearly opt-out process and eligible students will be re-enrolled the following year on their enrolment anniversary. As such, no manual re-enrollment process is required.

Get all the information about that you need for these programs at:
