SANQC is the official, autonomous voice of NorQuest students. As a group, SANQC exists to:
- protect the academic rights of students at NorQuest;
- advocate on issues that affect students;
- and ensure support is available for students who need it
Have an issue but not sure where to go? We are here to direct you to the right place.
We are a separate organization from the College. The staff and student volunteers are an independent, impartial and confidential resource for students. We provide information and guidance on students’ rights and responsibilities as well as NorQuest College regulations and procedures relating to academic integrity, appeals, grievances and complaints.
Campaigns and Successes
SANQC meets with representatives from the college administration as well as various levels of government to advocate for solutions to issues that have a direct impact on students.
Here’s what we’ve accomplished in the past few years:
International Tuition Fees
2017 – Recently-approved increases to international tuition fees left some continuing students facing unexpected hardships. We called meetings with college administration. These meetings resulted in more than double the original number of students being eligible for support that would cover the majority of the increase.
2016 - as part of the U-Pass advisory committee, we were able to negotiate for the inclusion of three new municipalities with no additional increase to U-Pass.
Gender Neutral Washroom
2015 - your Students’ Council proposed and lobbied for a gender-neutral washroom on campus. We wanted to ensure that all students felt a sense of inclusion and belonging on campus.
2009 – There was a time when student parking did not exist at NorQuest College. Through lobby efforts, we were able to secure some student parking on campus for students.
- 2016 Update: To increase safety of in the NorQuest parking lot, we lobbied for security cameras to be installed.
- 2017 Update: There will be an increase in the amount of student parking available to students with the opening of the Singhmar Centre for Learning (SCFL).
Representation and Advocacy
Academic Council
Academic Council is comprised of students, faculty and staff who come together to discuss and make decisions about college policies, programming and other issues that impact a student’s academic journey. SANQC has 10 seats on the council and actively recruits student volunteers to join this council and share their unique student experience.
Advocacy Partners
SANQC is part of two external advocacy groups. The Alberta Student Executive Council (ASEC) advocates collectively on behalf of over 110,000 students across Alberta to government officials. Additionally, ASEC is part of a larger coalition of students that advocates to the Federal government. Through ASEC, we have successfully advocated for continued mental health funding and a standardized sexual violence policy across Alberta campuses.
SANQC is also a member of the Edmonton Student Alliance, a group that advocates on behalf of NorQuest students to the city of Edmonton on municipal concerns.