Announcements: Announcement
Your Students’ Association of NorQuest College (SANQC) believes in providing access to services for students. Starting Fall 2021, we are very excited to expand eligibility for services to include more students. See below for information and links on some of…
Your Students’ Association is a student led organization. That means that our governing board – students like you – help guide and set the direction for the organization. If you want to: be part of a team that works to…
What do students need? Nobody know the answer to that, better than students! That’s why we want to hear from you. 10 minutes of your time helps us learn more about your needs and experiences AND gives you a chance…
Thank you to everybody who voted, you’ve made a real difference in the lives of current and future students at NorQuest. 349 ballots were submitted out of 5,478 eligible voters (6%) The results for each of the referendum questions were:…
We want to hear from YOU! Stop by one of our short focus group sessions and talk with us about students needs. On top of sharing valuable information with us, you’ll also be entered to win a $100 visa gift…