
Get the latest news about how Students' Council works.

2025 Winter Students’ Council Election Results

Posted: Mar 19, 2025

You have voted – and the results are in! 518 ballots were submitted out of 7,210 eligible voters (7%). Thank you to all of the…

2025 Winter Students’ Council Election

Posted: Mar 13, 2025

Get ready to cast your vote and decide who will become YOUR Students’ Council members! This election will determine who represents the voice of NorQuest College students…

Students' Council

At the Students’ Association of NorQuest College (SANQC), we pride ourselves on a diverse and dynamic Students’ Council team comprised of students from various backgrounds and expertise. Our Council is structured to include two types of roles: those elected through a general election process and those appointed through an internal selection process.

Elected positions are filled through a democratic voting process, allowing members of our organization to have a direct say in who represents them on the Council. This ensures accountability, transparency, and representation of the collective voice of our community.

On the other hand, appointed positions are carefully selected through an internal process based on specific experience and skills. These students bring specialized skills and perspectives to the council, enhancing our ability to make informed decisions and drive impactful change.

Together, our elected and appointed council members work collaboratively to steer the direction of our organization, uphold its mission and values, and serve the needs of our community.

How to put your name forward for a Faculty Representative position

Step 1 – Get informed about what Students’ Council does and see if it is something you want to do.

Step 2 – Make sure you qualify for a Faculty Representative position. Here is a quick checklist.

  • Cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Terms of office are until Apr 30 of the following year.
  • Are you a current member of SANQC? Did you pay Students’ Association fees this term?
  • Students can only put their name forward for the Faculty their program belongs to:
    • Faculty of Arts & Sciences (3 seats)
        • Arts & Sciences, Community Studies, Indigenous Studies, Justice, Open Studies & University Transfer
    • Faculty of Business, Environment & Technology (3 seats)
        • Business Studies, Environment Studies, Technology Studies
    • Faculty of Health Studies (3 seats)
        • Health Studies
    • Faculty of Skills & Foundational Learning (3 seats)
        • Academic Upgrading, Employment Preparation, Settlement Studies, Language Training
  • SANQC staff are not eligible for Students’ Council positions. But hey, you are already part of the team.
  • Student Club Executives are not eligible for Students’ Council positions.
  • For the complete list of requirements check out the SANQC bylaws HERE.

Step 3 – Complete and submit the Faculty Representative package.

  • Make sure you read all the boring parts. There will be a quiz when you hand in your completed package.
  • Did we mention that you need to complete the package. Don’t leave any blank spots. If the package is incomplete you will not be eligible for the election.
  • Remember to include your grade transcripts.
  • Make sure to submit your Faculty Representative package by the listed deadline.
  • Make sure that you are available for all the mandatory dates.

Step 4 – Get your nominators!

  • Get a minimum of 10 of your fellow NorQuest students to nominate you.
  • Your nominators do not have to be in the same program as you.
  • Make sure they know they can only nominate 1 student!

Step 5 – Wait for an email

  • Behind the scenes we will double check all of the submitted packages to ensure you meet the requirements. See I told you completing the package was important.
  • The CRO will email all potential candidates.
  • Eligible candidates will be provided with the SANQC bylaws and election policy as homework to read before the mandatory All Candidates Meeting.

Step 6 – Book your recording timeslot

  • As part of promoting the election and the candidates involved, we need some content of you to highlight to your potential voters!
  • A link will be sent to you so you can schedule a time to come by our office to get your picture taken as well as answer a few questions to help students know why they should vote for you and why you’d make the best possible representative for them.
  • This needs to be done prior to the mandatory All Candidates Meeting.

Step 7 – Attend the Mandatory All Candidates Meeting

  • This is where you will get the run down on how elections work and what you need to know.
  • You’ll sign off on your platform.
  • You’ll have a chance to star in some pictures and videos to help students know why they should vote for you.

Step 8 – Campaign for Election

  • Encourage students to vote for you in the election.
  • Get out and meet lots of new people so they should know why to vote for you.

Step 9 – Wait for the official results

  • All candidates will be contacted by the CRO informing them of the results of the election. We appreciate all students who step up and take part in this process.
  • Results will be publicly posted once all of the candidates have been contacted.

Election Process


SANQC is student led. The Students’ Council members that speak on behalf of students are elected by you – the students at NorQuest. All of our elections are online so that all students can vote.


All students that are eligible to vote will receive an email to their email account with voting instructions and a unique access key.

Students will follow these instructions to cast their vote.

All results will be tallied at the end of the election.

Results of the election will be announced online as well as in the SANQC office.

How to put your name forward for an Appointed Representative position

Step 1 – Get informed about what Students’ Council does and see if it is something you want to do.

Step 2 – Make sure you qualify for an Appointed Position. Here is a quick checklist.

  • Cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Terms of office are until Apr 30 of the following year.
  • Are you a current member of SANQC? Did you pay Students’ Association fees this term?
  • Students can apply for one of the following appointed positions if they meet the eligibility requirements:
    • Self-Identified Indigenous Board of Governors Representative (1 seat)
        • This role is open to current NorQuest College students who self-identify as Indigenous and meet the eligibility requirements as laid out in the Appointed Representative package. The Board of Governors provides oversight of the college by acting within clearly defined roles, effective governance structures and consistent processes. The Board represents the public in its oversight and stewardship of the public resources provided for NorQuest College. Click HERE for full details.
    • Student-at-Large Board of Governors Representative (1 seat)
        • This role is open to current NorQuest College students who meet the eligibility requirements as laid out in the Appointed Representative package. The Board of Governors provides oversight of the college by acting within clearly defined roles, effective governance structures and consistent processes. The Board represents the public in its oversight and stewardship of the public resources provided for NorQuest College. Click HERE for full details.
    • Self-Identified Regional Representative (1 seat)
        • This role is open to current NorQuest College students who self-identify as a regional student (primarily not on main campus) and meet the eligibility requirements as laid out in the Appointed Representative package.
  • SANQC staff are not eligible for Students’ Council positions. But hey, you are already part of the team.
  • Student Club Executives are not eligible for Students’ Council positions.
  • For the complete list of requirements check out the SANQC bylaws HERE.

Step 3 – Complete and submit the Appointed Representative package.

  • Make sure you read all the boring parts. There will be a quiz when you hand in your completed package.
  • Did we mention that you need to complete the package. Don’t leave any blank spots. If the package is incomplete you will not be eligible.
  • Remember to include your grade transcripts.
  • Make sure to submit your Appointed Representative package by the listed deadline.
  • Make sure that you are available for any mandatory dates.

Step 4 – Get your nominators and letters of reference!

  • Nominators
    • Get a minimum of 10 of your fellow NorQuest students to nominate you.
    • Your nominators do not have to be in the same program as you.
    • Make sure they know they can only nominate 1 student!
  • Letters of Reference
    • Talk to professionals you know and get them to write a letter describing what a great fit you’d be for this role.
    • Make sure to get a minimum of 2 of these letters for your Appointed Representative package.

Step 5 – Wait for an email

  • Behind the scenes we will double check all of the submitted packages to ensure you meet the requirements. See I told you completing the package was important.
  • The CRO will email all eligible students.
  • Eligible students will be provided with the SANQC bylaws to get more familiar with the organization and how Students’ Council functions.

Step 6 – Wait for the official results

  • All eligible students will be contacted by the CRO informing them of the results of the selection committee. We appreciate all students who step up and take part in this process.
  • Results will be publicly posted once all of the eligible students have been contacted.

Appointment Process

Selection Committee

The Selection Committee will review all eligible Appointed Representative packages for each available role to decide who will be appointed to Students’ Council.